The popularity of paper bags


Số 33 Đường Số 6 Khu Phố 7, Phường Bình Hưng Hòa B, Quận Bình Tân, TP. Hồ Chí Minh


0902 889 228 Ms Phương

0902 689 228 Mr Huy

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The popularity of paper bags
Today, the protection of health and the environment is increasingly focused, paper bags are replaced and widely used in everyone's daily life. With a variety of styles from traditional to modern, the paper rolls are no longer as monotonous as before

Kraft paper
  • Made of softer wood, thicker and usually golden-brown in color, also light brown, cream, or white.
  • Kraft paper thickness from 80g to 300gsm
  • High strength and durable kraft paper, no need to laminate
  • It is mainly used to make packaging paper bags, envelopes, tigers, medical records bags, etc.
  • Environmentally friendly, paper bag for food ...

Couche paper

  • This is a common paper commonly used for many brochue printing, cheap paper bag printing, poster, menu. ,,,
  • The paper is quite smooth, coated with the drug on the surface, so the ink when offset printing is quite nice, but the paper is not sturdy, quite flexible and soft.
  • Thickness 150 - 300gsm
  • It is mainly used for printing leaflets, paper boxes, cheap paper bags .... etc

Ivory paper

  • The smooth ivory-white surface of the hard paper is suitable for making high-grade paper bags
  • The smoothness and gloss are very high, with 2 glossy and rough sides, used quite a lot in printing packaging
  • Good ink coverage, specialized in paper bags for high-end, high-end goods

When using paper bags, there are many types of paper to choose from, and there are four commonly used types: kraft paper, Ivory paper, Couche paper, art paper ...

The types of paper commonly used as paper bags are different with different toughness, smoothness and aesthetics.

When printing paper bags, packaging manufacturers will choose according to the intended use of the paper bag and the characteristics of different types of paper to meet the needs of customers.

To be able to identify the types of paper commonly used as paper bags suitable for the business needs of your business, you need to find a reputable printing address to get the most obvious advice.

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 Số 33 Đường số 6, Khu Phố 7, Phường Bình Hưng Hòa B, Quận Bình Tân, TP. HCM

 0902 889 228 - 0902 689 228 -

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